Saturday, October 11, 2008

101 things to do in 1001 days

As Lady Brainsample is doing, I've decided to make a list of stuff to do in 1001 days. Some stuff might be the same or similar to Natasha Brainsamples list. This could take a while....

1. Make the list
2. Make blankets for everyones birthday in my family (2/5)
3. Make blankets for my best friends birthdays (0/7) (Natasha, You have one already)

Well I'm taking a break
(Next Day)
Okay.. where was I.... oh yes

4. Volunteer at a food bank or something like that
5. Go to camp with my best friend. OH YEAH!! PINECOVE BABY!!!
6. Go on point in ballet
7. Get a sword
8. Go to the Renaissance Festival with Natasha
9. Sing the National anthem at a Rockets game
10. See Twilight the day it comes out
11. Give my room a total makeover
12. Get contacts

Whoops have to go babysit...
...One week later...

13. Perfect my sight reading. I have decides this is impossible for every person on this planet.
14. Start wearing make-up
15. Go camping with Natasha
16. Write a story out of school
17. Get natasha to teach me how to water ski
18. See Phantom of the opera live
19. See Les Miserables live
20. See Wicked again
21. Read the Lord of the Rings
22. Buy a Prince Caspian poster, wear lipstick, and kiss the poster
23. Buy the Prince Caspian movie
24. Finish Beyond the Reflections Edge
25. Try ten new foods ( I am the pickiest eater in the world!!!) (10/10)
26. Get my friend t try calamari
27. Email Wayne Thomas Batson and tell him how much I like his books
28. Audition for Annie next summer
29. Make good grades in spanish this year
30. Write letters to all my friends telling them how much I care about them (0/12)
31. Write a letter to my friend in Paraguay
32. Go to all my choir events this year
34. Read the whole Bible
36. Start reading a chapter of the Bible a day
37. Go parasailing
38. Go to a football game
39. Make the Viking voice 2 years in a row (2/2)
40. Give one of my friends a random gift
41. Give someone in my family a random gift
42. Take the Duke TIP test haha. missed it!
43. Sing something from Phantom of the Opera for voice lessons
44. Do well in Solo and Ensemble Contest
45. Learn how to do chopsticks in my hair
46. Do well in UIL contest
47. Get first place in a Karate Tournament
48. Be able to do the splits
49. Be able to run a mile without stopping
50. Go a week without fighting with my brother ( That will be hard)
51. Learn how to and change my voicemail recording thingie on my phone


52. Go to one of my school dances they aren't having these anymore. why? idk.
53. Start praying more often
54. Audition for something with Natasha (if possible)
55. Memorize a Psalm (Psalm 4:8)
56. Change my memory verse
57. Paint my nails different colors (on the same nail)
58. Go to a state I've never been to before
59. Be in a picture with all of my friends
60. Blog more often
61. Learn 10 new songs (10/10)
62. Read the whole Chronicles of Narnia series
63. Get a new library card
64. Play scrabble with my mom
65. Bake a cake for a random occasion
66. See Eagle Eye and review it
67. Watch all of the classic musicals
68. Do another Photo Shoot with Natasha
69. Read a book per week
70. Read all of the Door Within Series for the third time and review it
71. Learn how to cook ten new foods (2/10)
72. Go to a concert with Natasha, her dad, and me and my dad.

Whoa I'm taking a break
*An hour later*

73. Go with my dad to work and help out
74. Run for Choir President
75. Get a wig to wear with Natasha
76. Pull an all-nighter
77. Go to a Dynamo Game
78. Memorize all of the Phantom of the Opera songs
79. Read the Host
80. See the Door Within in theaters (if it ever happens)
81. Get ten people to see August Rush
82. Pray with some of my friends
83. Ask someone if I could pray for them
84. Strengthen my faith in the Lord
85. Start keeping 2 journals- one for every day life, and one for prayers
86. Get a devotional book for my bible
87. Actually follow the verses from the brio magazine I read
88. Go work at a food pantry for a day
89. Talk to people at a nursing home
90. Wear my green strips in my hair in public
91. Donate stuff to goodwill
92. Write a review on my favorite things
93. Play the Wii more often
94. Work on going lower and higher on the scale (music)
95. Limit myself to one soda a week
96. Start a weekly random poll
97. Eat healthier
98. Give Natasha some mini M&Ms
99. Come up with 10 new hair-do's (8/10)
100. Photo Edit at least 100 pictures (30/100)
101. Blog about stuff as I've done them

If you have any questions about stuff I'm trying to do or any suggestions, please leave a comment.


Lady Brainsample said...

My comments:
8: I know! I can't wait to go to the Renaissance festival!
10: You do know it's coming out sooner than anticipated right? I've heard Nov 21. You'll have to think of something else to do for your birthday.
11: I can help! I'll find some cool stuff.
18 and maybe 19: I'm there.
28: Funny story, I'm auditioning for Annie next year too, but a different Annie...weird....I really, really want Miss Hannigan.
54: That would be awesome...
60 and 62: YES!!!! YOU MUST!!!!
78: It'll be easy once I get you the cd....I know them all already, hee hee.....I LOVE that movie....DUDE we should somehow make a film using those songs and we can sing them in the film...need to figure some background music stuff out though...I'll get on that after my PSAT test is over.
Love ya, mellon nin, looking foward to doing all this stuff with ya!

Princess Jasmine Geo said...

We will totally have so much fun with our lists.